The issue of clinical standards holds, profound importance for the Nigerian Thoracic Society, as it impacts on the quality of asthma care. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of asthma deaths occur in LMIC as a result of absence or non-adherence to clinical standards.
As an association we take a panoramic view of the recently published clinical standards for asthma management in resource scarce countries. We feel a deep responsibility to provide evidence based clinical standards to reduce the burden of asthma in the general population.
Join us this Wednesday and contribute to the discussion on the “clinical standards for asthma management in LMIC”: the pros and cons.
Date: 1st November, 2023
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Chair: Prof Falade
Facilitators: Prof. Ayuk Adaeze and Prof. Babashani
Moderator: Associate Prof. Ozoh
Venue (Zoom): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5541777851?pwd=VkxsU1JOM0hjaHEwRmc2aXRyM2FjZz09
Meeting ID: 554 177 7851
Passcode: 893239